My essay A Magic Gift is in Horizon Air Magazine this month.
This one was interesting for me. It’s very personal, but much of my work is. It involved writing about the rather delicate topic of Santa Claus for a mixed-age audience, but I managed that (hopefully). The real challenge with this one was that it raised questions for me about how I include my children and their lives in my work. This concept has changed for me significantly as they’ve grown, and will continue to, I am sure.
In other words, this is the first of my essays ever for which I sought approval from an 11-year-old before releasing it to publication. After all, it’s her story more than mine. She gave me a big thumb’s up. Thanks, Libby. You amaze me every single day.
By the way, the essay is about a little girl, Santa Claus, and a magic wand. But really it’s about love.
Happy Holidays to you all, and may you listen hard to what your heart is trying to tell you and spread every bit of magic that you can.