Brief status update from Hawaii, where our protagonist has traveled to her mother’s house with her eldest child for a bit of R&R.
Interest in creating pithy, fabulously interesting blog post: very low
Interest in staring stupidly into the tropical middle distance: very high
Favorite part of this vacation so far: phoning home and finding that the chickens are most interested in talking only to each other. They report on their experiences, whilst apart.
“Hi Boo Boo!” trills Chicken Noodle. “I love you! I had shave ice. Grandma bought me a fairy. Mommy fell off the surfboard. I miss you Boo Boo!”
“Hi. Sis.” says Chicken Little in her adorable halting 23-month-old way. “Hot. Tub. Ducky. Slide. Home.”
Tomorrow: The chills! The spills! The humiliation! My first ever surfing lesson.