Absolutely love this illustrated depiction of the process of writing a novel, created by a student of my sister’s. As someone who has actually set fire to a manuscript in my day, I can say that this guy gets it!
In case you can’t quite make out the scan, the steps are Thinking, Constructing, Deconstructing, Feedback, Re-Constructing, Editing, More Feedback, and Celebration.
Deconstructing involves a gas can and open flames.
Feedback involves sobbing.
Editing involves a chainsaw.
More Feedback is a man pointing a gun at the writer.
Celebration involves cognac and a cigar.
His note at bottom: I don’t drink cognac or smoke cigars, but this makes a better visual.
Thank you, Steve Delay! You are hilarious. Perfect for National Writing Month, November, too. Good luck! Bet you’ll be a cognac drinker by the end.