Day Trips to the Oregon Coast Launch

Keep an eye out for rescheduled book release events! — April 9, 2020, 7 p.m. Powell’s Books on Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon  CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS. STAY TUNED FOR RESCHEDULE. — April 11, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Paulina Springs Books, Sisters, Oregon CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS. STAY TUNED FOR RESCHEDULE. — April 25, 2020, 1 p.m. Roundabout…

49 Uncomfortable-ish Questions with Mom

49 Uncomfortable-ish Questions with Mom My daughter and THE SIXTH STORM co-author Libby Findling made a short film that’s screening at film festivals this year and hopefully next year! Synopsis: “On an afternoon while running errands, Libby Findling interviews her beloved mother about life, love and other miscellaneous uncomfortable questions.” VIEW FILM HERE Screenings: BendFilm…

Baking Cupcakes for the Dead

This is a much more personal essay than I’ve had published in awhile. Feels really great to get it out there. This one is my ode to grief. Hip Mama published one of my early essays, 15 years ago, about this same life experience. Feels extra appropriate that they chose to publish this one, too.…