Horizon Air
A new article of mine in Horizon Air Magazine’s September Issue. It’s about Education Specialization and it’s on page 58!
A new article of mine in Horizon Air Magazine’s September Issue. It’s about Education Specialization and it’s on page 58!
I suppose it’s about time to tell you all I got another book deal. I know, huh? Three weeks ago, I received an e-mail from an acquisitions editor at a press back east. He’d been searching for someone to write a travel guidebook about Oregon for one of their series. He came across my bio…
Actual dialogue between my husband and myself, two weeks ago: Me (troubled): You know what I think it is? I think I am anxious about Kindergarten. Capt. Daddy: You are going to do fine in Kindergarten, honey. If anyone needs me this morning, I’ll be that middle-aged blonde dripping tears in the parking lot…
A year ago yesterday, the chickens did this to their heads. Yesterday, I discovered this. Coincidence? I think not. From now on, Sept. 1 shall be National Scissors-In-The-Closet Day.
(answers below) 1. If you take the waffle iron out of the cupboard on a Saturday morning, open it up and discover an old petrified waffle inside, is it misguided to immediately turn an accusatory eye to the only man who lives in the house? 2. Should an (almost) 40-year-old woman really be expected to…
Scenes from our camping vacation to the Redwoods, also the celebration of our ten-year wedding anniversary. — (As we greet a blackberry bramble enveloped in fog and mislabeled by California State Parks as our campsite) Me: Honey! It’s where I always dreamed we’d awake on our ten-year anniversary! — Chicken Noodle: I am afraid all…
I went to a writing conference over the weekend. The chickens stayed home with Captain Daddy. Mysterious incidents ensued. Each time I braced myself and called home, not one person screamed at me from the other end. No one called me screaming. Not once. In fact, at one point, someone sounding a lot like Captain…
Chicken Little on camping: “Mom, do you think nature is beautiful?” “Yes. I think nature is very beautiful.” “Well, nature is not beautiful to me. Stupid trees.”
A piece I wrote about Summer Lake is on the Travel Oregon blog. Click here to see more of my Travel Oregon posts…