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“John Day Fossil Beds” in Central Oregon Magazine
“John Day Fossil Beds” in Central Oregon Magazine
The Natural Wonder of Cobble Beach on Travel Oregon
The Natural Wonder of Cobble Beach on Travel Oregon
“Wanderings: Bend, Oregon” in Western Art and Architecture
“Wanderings: Bend, Oregon” in Western Art and Architecture
“Shades of Blue: Summer Lake Hot Springs” on Travel Oregon
“Shades of Blue: Summer Lake Hot Springs” on Travel Oregon
“Wine Paired Picnics” in Alaska Air Horizon Air Magazine
“Wine Paired Picnics” in Alaska Air Horizon Air Magazine
“Bird’s Eye View” in Travel Oregon Magazine
“Bird’s Eye View” in Travel Oregon Magazine
Association Excellence in Craft award, 2nd place, travel)
Association Excellence in Craft award, 2nd place, travel)
“Hiking in a Desert Paradise” in Travel Oregon Magazine
“Hiking in a Desert Paradise” in Travel Oregon Magazine
“Lava Lands” in Alaska Air Magazine
“Lava Lands” in Alaska Air Magazine
“Central Oregon Holiday Getaways” in the Oregonian
“Central Oregon Holiday Getaways” in the Oregonian
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